Tel Aviv Global

CEO: Sharon Landes-Fischer
Director of Tourism: Yael Froman-Ideses
Director of International Economic Development: Michal Michaeli 
Director of Global Communications: Irit Talmi
Director of Operations: Kochi Tsur

About Tel Aviv Global and Tourism

Tel Aviv Global is a municipal company that reports to the Mayor's Office at the Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality. The goal of the company is to facilitate tourism, economic development, and international communications. Additionally, Tel Aviv Global focuses on numerous initiatives designed to position the city as a global hub of innovation and entrepreneurship, establish Tel Aviv-Yafo as a global brand, and transform the city into a leading tourist destination.

Goals and Future Plans

Tourism: The vision for 2030: Establish Tel Aviv as a leading urban tourist destination

In the past decade, Tel Aviv-Yafo has taken a significant leap as an urban tourist destination and has enhanced its global standing. The city currently welcomes millions of visitors every year. In the coming decade, we aim to advance our vision by relying on three key growth drivers:


1. The picturesque 14-kilometer coast and its rare qualities.

2. Vibrant urbanism, particularly our unique mix of culture, nightlife, top cuisine, and nonstop energy.

3.  Yafo's rich combination of history, religion, and dynamic multiculturalism.


Furthermore, Tel Aviv Global together with government and private agencies will work to expand the city's target markets by hosting international conferences, creating and promoting tourist products and attractions, improving tourists' experience in the city, and increasing the number of hotels.


Director of Tourism: Yael Froman-Ideses  



Economic Development: Advancing the city as a global hub of innovation and entrepreneurship

As the startup city of the startup nation, Tel Aviv-Yafo has succeeded to meet the spectrum of needs required by tech companies at all stages of their growth.

To further the tech sector's development the city will work to increase the number of entrepreneurs, investors, and tech companies. To help achieve this the city will remove business barriers and offer a suite of soft landing services.​

Tel Aviv - Global Tech Trailblazer | Dealroom​

Tel Aviv Tech Ecosystem Report


Director of International Economic Development: Michal Michaeli 



International Communications

The international communications department aims to help facilitate the city's continued international growth through targeted marketing and advertising. To do so, the city will work to make itself and its offerings known and accessible. Tel Aviv-Yafo will also emphasize fostering new relationships with international partners such as public and private delegations, investors, and reporters.


Director of Global Communications: Irit Talmi


Contact Information

Address:  111 Arlozorov St., Tel Aviv- Yafo, Israel
Phone Number: 972-03-7248090

Department of Tourism:

Communications and Press:

Department of International Economic Development:


Director of Operations: 

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