Security in Normal Times

The Security and Emergency Services Division provides a number of major services:
  • Securing educational institutions and preparing them for emergency scenarios – security at the educational institutions themselves and security operations outside the confines of the schools, activation of a warning and response system, and preparation of the facilities and staff for states of emergency.
  • Securing events in coordination with civil security forces.
  • Securing municipal operations.
  • Ongoing coordination with civil security forces and collaboration with community policing centers and Civil Guard for keeping the public order and security.
The Municipality provides guarding services at its educational institutions, which include:
  • Defining the underlying principles of guarding services at the schools
  • Maintaining adequate guarding services inside and outside the schools, at summer camps, at residential care facilities and at events
  • Allocating various security solutions, such as fencing, stress and alarm systems, first aid kits, fire extinguishers, and more
  • Operating an alarm and response system – including a stress/alarm hotline and response system staffed by security patrols

Preparing educational institutions for emergency scenarios

  • Trainings for principals, security aides, field trip coordinators, preschool teachers, faculty members and students that deal with first aid, extinguishing fires, hazardous materials, etc.
  • Initiating and holding a wide variety of drills, ranging from small-scale drills to integrated drills that involve all the emergency forces and rescue teams
  • Initiating, planning and conducting inspections at the schools to check their readiness for security-related incidents and states of emergency, including assistance in locating hazards and security threats

Securing municipal operations

The Security and Emergency Services Division operates guarding services at municipal facilities, including a stress/alarm hotline at around 900 municipal units operating in the field and a response system staffed by security patrols.

Securing events

  • Planning and arranging the security-related and public order requirements of large-scale events and shows
  • Coordinating the operations of the on-site municipal units at the events and shows with the security forces (police, EMS and fire department)
  • Managing the security, guarding and ushering arrangements and overseeing their work

Community Policing Centers and the Civil Guard

Around 3,500 volunteers work out of Civil Guard and community policing bases throughout the city. The location of the bases is determined jointly by the Municipality and the Israel Police.

Community policing centers (CPCs)

These centers are front-line branches of police stations and are engaged in community-policing operations. The CPCs, which are established based on local needs, aim to make the police more accessible to the public and provide residents with law enforcement services that are geared towards addressing specific types of crimes, such as domestic violence, violence at schools, disputes between neighbors, and prevention of drug use and trade.

There are approximately 30 CPCs in the Tel Aviv-Yafo District. The fight against neighborhood crime and the ties between the CPCs and residents have reduced the incidence and scope of various crimes, brought the police closer to the public, and created a better quality of life for the city's residents.

Civil Guard

Civil Guard volunteers, who play an important law enforcement role in keeping the public order, are force multipliers for the police and create a link between the police and the community. Service in the Civil Guard is also suitable for teens and can be part of their Personal Commitment project in high school.


How can you volunteer for the Civil Guard?
The Tel Aviv-Yafo Municipality invites you to join the thousands of volunteers who are currently active throughout the city and contribute to enhancing your security and that of your family members.

For more information about the Civil Guard and the recruitment process and to download a registration form, please refer to the Israel Police website or go directly to the website of the Tel Aviv District of the Israel Police.

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