International Relations

Tel Aviv-Yafo, the country's cosmopolitan hub, is home to most of the foreign embassies in Israel, the prominent cultural centers, chambers of commerce, the Israel Export Institute, local and global media, and numerous academic and financial institutions.


The Municipality maintains warm ties with dozens of cities and international organizations worldwide, leading to global exchanges of knowledge and information. In addition, Tel Aviv-Yafo is partners with 30 major cities across the globe such as: Paris, Barcelona, Frankfurt, Vienna, Moscow, New York, Philadelphia, and Beijing. Knowledge exchanges and the receipt of funding for projects from the EU are an immeasurable professional resource that benefits the Municipality as well as the city's residents and business establishments. They also promote tourism and brand Tel Aviv-Yafo as a leading global city.


International Relations welcomes any global initiative which can benefit all the participating parties. Please contact us at: email or facebook

Tel Aviv-Yafo Partner Cities

City                                                                 Signing Year

Toulouse (France)                                                 1962

Philadelphia (USA)                                                1966

Cologne (Germany)                                               1979

Frankfurt am Main (Germany)                             1980

Bonn (Germany)                                                    1983

Paris (France)                                                        1985

Buenos Aires (Argentina)                                      1988

Budapest (Hungary)                                              1989

Belgrade (Serbia)                                                   1990

Essen (Germany)                                                   1992

Sofia (Bulgaria)                                                      1992

Warsaw (Poland)                                                   1992

Cannes (France)                                                     1993

Lodz (Poland)                                                         1994

Milan (Italy)                                                            1994

Thessaloniki (Greece)                                             1994

Beijing (China)                                                        1995

Izmir (Turkey)                                                          1996

New York (USA)                                                     1996

Barcelona (Spain)                                                   1998

Almaty (Kazakhstan)                                             1999

Chisinau (Moldova)                                                2000

Incheon (Korea)                                                      2000

Moscow (Russia)                                                    2001

Vienna (Austria)                                                     2005

San Antonio (USA)                                                 2011

Saint Petersburg (Russia)                                      2011

Freiburg (Germany)                                               2012

Yokohama (Japan)                                                  2012

Panama City (Panama)                                          2013

Chongqing (China)                                                 2014

Guangdong Province (China)                                2014

Moscow Region (Russia)                                       2014

Montreal (Canada)                                                 2016

Guangzhou (China)                                                2017

Miami-Dade County (USA)                                    2017

Chicago (USA)                                                        2017

Seoul (Korea)                                                         2019


International Relations Department
Address: 69 Ibn Gvirol , Tel Aviv- Jaffa, Israel
Phone: 972-3-5217846
Fax: 972-3-5217849
Email Address:

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